Multi-collineartity, Variance Inflation
and Orthogonalization in Regression

Chong Ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., D. Phil. (2022)


The purpose of a regression model is to find out to what extent the outcome (dependent variable) can be predicted by the independent variables. The strength of the prediction is indicated by R2, also known as variance explained or strength of determination.

It is important to notice that the value of R2 alone cannot tell you how well your model is specified. Take the following four cases as examples. In the Venn diagrams below the overlapping area between Y and X(X1, X2) is the variance explained. In all four cases the superimposed areas between Y and X are almost the same. Numerically you cannot tell much difference when the R2s are .45, .48, .41, .40. Actually, all these models are very different.


  • In case 1, X1 and X2 are related; X1 and Y are related, but X2 and Y has no relationship. For example, the number of hours of study is related to test scores, the frequency of going to the restroom is related to study (you drink more coffee to stay up), but going to the bathroom is not related to the test performance.

  • In case 2, both X1 and X2 contribute to some unique variance explained to Y, but they also have some common variance explained. For example, drinking and smoking can cause cancer. And many smokers are also alcoholics.

  • In case 3, again both X1 and X2 contribute unique variance explained to Y, but X1 and X2 are totally unrelated (orthogonal). For instance, mathematical intelligence and verbal intelligence could predict competence in business, but these two types of intelligence have no relationship. A good speaker may not be able to count from one to ten.

  • In case 4, although both X1 and X2 could predict Y. The variance explained contributed by X2 has been covered by X1 because X1 and X2 are too correlated (collinear).

The above cases are not exhaustive. There are many other possible combinations between Y and Xs. Without looking at the relationship between regressors, the researcher runs a risk of mis-specify a regression model even though the R2 looks good. This tutorial is focused on the last case-- collinearity.





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