Grading raw responses into binary scores

by Dr. Chong Ho (Alex) Yu


I have a test consisting of 100 items.  The data are unscored raw responses. Given that I have the key as a text string like 23454321...n, how can I grade the responses without using 100 if-then-else statements?


/* read the raw data */

data raw; infile 'd:\rawdata.txt';

input userid 1-9 @10 (q1-q100) (1.0);

/* assign a "flag" for merging with the key set later */

inall = 1;

proc sort; by userid;


/* import the key */

data key; infile "d:\key.txt";

input (k1-k100) (1.0);

/* assign a "flag" for merging with the raw data later */

inall = 1;


/* merge the key and the raw data so that every record has a set of key */

data new; merge raw key; by inall;

/* make three arrays

q is the array to hold the raw responses

k is the array to hold the key set

s is the array to hold the scores */

array q{*} q1-q100;

array k{*} k1-k100;

array s{*} s1-s100;

/* use a do loop to grade each raw responses into binary scores */

do i = 1 to 100;

if q{i} = k(i) then s{i} = 1;

else s{i} = 0;


drop inall q1-q100 k1-k100 i;




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