

  也許生不逢時,又或當年仍年少無知,我對梁燕城、李天命之間的爭論從不 感覺「埋身」,故亦沒有細讀那大堆文字。然而單就余君在「從研究方法論看護 教學」一文提及《哲客俠情》中的一個論證,並指出其中並沒有李所指的方法論 問題,我卻有點保留。

我認為就算沒有隱藏假設,梁的講法仍是不能成立的。假設天下間只有a= 「造一塊沒有人能舉起的石頭」,和b=「舉起一塊任何重量的石頭」兩種活動, 並假設它們足以定義何謂「全能」,那麼若X可以a來描述,X就是「全能」, 又或者若Y可以b來描述,X就是「全能」。

(1) 若X能做a,則X是全能者。
(2) 若Y能做b,則Y是全能者。然而問題的核心並非 (1) 和 (2) 是否成 立,而是X可否就是Y?
(3) 由於這可能世界只有a和b兩種活動,全能者必需即做a又做b。 不過,a和b不可能同時發生(至少表面看來確實如此),那麼邏輯上就不可能 有任何人事物能同時做到a和b。既然如此,X就不可能會是Y。除非梁提出 論證證立X就是Y,否則敗方仍然是梁,因為證明的責任(burden of proof)仍然 在梁那一方。

  換句話說,問題重點不是有沒有能者可造出「沒有利器可刺破的盾牌」,及 有沒有能者可造出「可刺破任何盾牌的劍」,而是這兩人有沒有可能是同一個人。 所以李就算不用設想任何隱藏假設,梁的回答仍然未能觸及問題的核心。

Argument against omnipotence in a possible world with only a and b.

(1) X is omnipotent entails X can bring about any states of affairs. (Definition of omnipotence)
(2) There are only two states of affairs to bring about in this possible world, namely a and b. (Presumption)
(3) X is omnipotent entails X bring about a. (From 1 and 2)
(4) X is omnipotent entails X bring about b. (X is a dummy variable that we can replace X with Y here.) (From 1 and 2)
(5) X is omnipotent entails X can bring about a and b jointly. (From 1 and 2)
(6) It is impossible for a and b to obtain jointly. (By definitions of a and b)
(7) No X can bring about a and b jointly. (From 6)
(8) No X can be omnipotent. (From 5 and 7)

In Leung's discussion, it seems that he is not aware of the problem expressed by (6), hence (7) and (8). My suggestion for a successful refutation is to modify the definition of omnipotence expressed by (1). If omnipotence is so defined that any two states of affairs in a possible world are not incompatible, i.e. there is no incompatible pairs of states of affairs, (6) is false, hence so are (7) and (8).


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