French Polynesia

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Alex Yu

June 2024

Sharks and stingrays are often seen in shallow waters in places like French Polynesia, because shallow coastal waters are often rich in food sources for them, including small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. In addition, shallow waters tend to be warmer, which can be more suitable for the metabolic needs of these species, especially during different seasons. Interestingly, they are unbothered by human presence, because most humans in these waters, like our family, are engaged in non-threatening activities like swimming or snorkeling, which don't trigger defensive or aggressive responses. Some stingrays even approach humans in a friendly manner. However, when encountering sharks, it is better to maintain a safe distance while observing or photographing them. We are equipped with two underwater cameras, and the first two photos were taken by my wife, Josephine Wong.


Alex Yu's Photography

Monarch Butterfly