Bosque del Apache  North Point 


  Sandhill Cranes   Return  

 Flight  Deck 



 Farm Loop  Morning Takeoff  


  National Wildlife   Refuge  

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is near Socorro, New Mexico. To look for a winter home, from November to February thousands of birds flock from the north to these marshes. December is the best month for bird-watching because the number of cranes reaches the peak, and the best time to watch them is either in the morning when they fly out or in the evening when they fly in.

 Taken by  Alex Yu


  December   2009 

Usually the birds left the marshes around sunrise. I got up at 5:00 am for two days in order to catch the actions. When I was there, the temperature was about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 Celsius). But it felt like 5 degrees due to the wind. Nevertheless, the birds in the icy water under the sunrays created a breathtaking scenery. And I returned to Bosque in the evening, too.


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