Welcome to the 2015 Evaluation of the Native English-Speaking Teacher Scheme in Primary Schools in Hong Kong. Please click on the appropriate link below to complete your survey. Each person can complete only ONE survey. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bernie Chun Nam Mak at bcnmak@gmail.com or (+852) 6993 3925.


謝謝參與二零一五年「以英語為母語的英語教師計畫」之評估研究。請按照您的身分選取下方的連結進入問卷。每人只能填寫和提交一份問卷。如有任何查詢,請電郵至 bcnmak@gmail.com 或致電 (+852) 6993 3925 與麥震嵐博士聯絡。


Student survey (English version)

學生問卷 (中文版本)

Parent survey (English version)

家長問卷 (中文版本)

Native English Teacher survey

Local English Teacher survey

School Head survey