Palace of Fine Arts 

San Francisco


Photos taken by Alex Yu


October 2011  


California Academy of Science


Living Roof


The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco was constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition. As the name implies, the purpose of the structures was to show works of art. However, only one of those buildings remains today. The sole surviving structure, as shown in these photos, was rebuilt in 1965, and was renovated again in 2009. To China and many other old civilizations, this “young” building is not considered seminal at all, but in North America it is treated as a treasure. In my view, regardless of its age and historic significance, this gorgeous palace is no doubt a Mecca for photographers.

California Academy of Science is a "green" structure designed by well-known architect Renzo Piano. The living roof of the academy is covered by plants and has many open windows so that it can help regulate temperature indoors and out.



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