Toshiba Tall Ships Festival
tall ship

Ocean Institute


tall ship

California USA

tall ship


  Dana Point Harbor


tall ship

Cannon Smoke Ring

tall ship

American Pride


tall ship

September 2012

tall ship


Photos taken by Alex Yu 


tall ship


For more than three decades Ocean Institute in Los Angeles has been holding the event called Toshiba Tall Ships Festival to celebrate the US marine tradition. All of the participating ships and boats are classic vessels or replicas of classic vessels. The red ship shown above is named American Pride. It was built in 1941 and had been used as a fishing boat for forty years. Interestingly enough, its original name is Lady Blue, but after renovation it was changed to American Pride. During the parade the ships "fired" on each other using a toy-like cannon. One of the preceding pictures shows a smoke ring generated by the cannon.




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