Aurora Borealis

Yellowknife Canada






November 2018

Yellowknife, the capital city of the Northwest Territories, Canada, is one of the best locations in the world for aurora-viewing. There are several reasons to justify this claim. First, it is about 400 km (250 miles) south of the Arctic Circle (Fairbanks, Alaska is 168 miles away from the Arctic Circle whereas Whitehorse, Yukon is 99 miles away). Second, in Yellowknife there is no high mountain blocking the wind, and therefore clouds can be easily blown away. Third, from mid-November to the beginning of April the night time is long. In November the sun sets at 3:15 PM. One of the best sites in Yellowknife for viewing the Northern light is Aurora Village. There are 21 teepees in the village to protect every visitor from the extreme weather. Although the aurora in these photos were not strong, the composition is rare because the aurora appears to going towards the moon.

 Photos taken by Alex Yu




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