Chiricahua National Monument

Chong Ho Yu







Three sisters


2004 November


Fuji FinePix Pro S2


If you look at the middle sister closely, you can see a "human face".








The formation of the rocks in Chirichua is very rare. In brief, water and ice cracked the rocks and made them as columns in a very long process. Interestingly enough, on that day the cloud pattern is horizontally linear. Also, the sun hit part of the mountain and part of it is in the shadow. As a result, the photo is "contradictory harmonious."








This picture was taken at the same time and location. Although the contrast of this one is not as strong as the previous one, I like the cloud pattern in this one better.








Again, I like the cloud pattern of this scene. By chance, at that moment the cloud seems to going into the "V-shape." Also, the soft-looking cloud and the rough-textured rocks are a good match. The green clothing on the rocks are bacteria.



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