Trona Pinnacles









The Trona Pinnacles near Death Valley National park has more than 500 tufa spires, which are composed primarily of calcium carbonate. The same type of rock formation can also be found in Mono Lake near Yosemite National Park. Due to the other-worldly appearance of the tufas, many science fiction movies were filmed in the Trona Pinnacles, such as Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Lost in Space, and Planet of the Apes. The Trona Pinnacles is not a national park or state park, and thus it is not surprisingly that there is no paved road in that area. I was told that the dirt road is accessible to 2-wheel-drive vehicles, but when I reached there, I found that it takes a brave man/woman and a 2-wheel-drive car to make it all the way.



Chong Ho Yu, July 2008


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