Pounamu: NZ Jade

New Zealand










January 2024


Chong Ho Alex Yu

The first eight pictures on this page showcase close-ups of New Zealand Jade or Green stone, which can be found in New Zealand only. Among the native Maori people, it is referred to as Pounamu. This stone comes in various types, such as Inanga, Kokopu, Flower jade, Tangiwai, and several others, with some exhibiting a translucent quality akin to glass. The final image among the eight shows a detailed view of flower jade, a rare variety of New Zealand jade. Flower jade is distinguished by cream, yellow, or brown inclusions, a result of oxidation or weathering on the stone's surface. When the stone develops cracks or fissures, iron impurities can enter, creating distinctive patterns that carvers can utilize in their work. My wife and I acquired several New Zealand green stones, and I photographed some of them utilizing macro lenses and LED lighting.



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