
Title Golden Dream
Location Minnesota
Date 1990
Equipment Nikon 200 mm and Vivitar 3X teleconvertor.
Technique The subject is a reflection of the sunset on a lake. As I first saw the sunset, I thought I would just take pictures of another ordinary sunset. But when I used a telephoto lense to examine a small portion of the lake's surface, I found that this "micro-photography" would look like a surrealist painting. Then I used a 3X teleconvertor to further focus on a small area of the sunset reflection on the lake.

Title Shelter
Location Minnesota
Date 1990
Equipment Nikon N8008, Sigma 28mm, and a green filter
Technique I hand held a green filter in front of the lense to reflect a tree was a tree behind me. The reflection was superimposed on the forest in front of me.

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