Impression: Grand Red Gown














These photos were taken at the show named "Impression Dahongpao (Grand Red Gown)", which is the fifth and the latest production of Zhang Yimou's "Impression" series. I had watched several other shows of the series, including the "Sister Liu Three" in Guilin, "Lijiang" in Yunnan, and "West Lake" in Hangzhou. This show illustrates the origin of the high-class tea "Grand Red Gown": Once upon a time a scholar was sick when he was on the way to take the royal exam that aimed to select qualified candidates for government officials. Fortunately, the farmers in Wuyishan took care of the scholar until he was completely recovered. Afterwards, the scholar continued his journey to the Capitol and passed the exam. The emperor awarded a red gown to this newly appointed official, but he returned to the village and covered the tea tree grown by the farmers in order to express his gratitude.

by Alex Yu 2012



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