Road Canyon

Falling Roof Ruin


Cedar Mesa





Falling Roof Ruin inside Road Canyon, which is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is a must-see hidden treasure. Before the trip, I sent an inquiry to BLM about the direction, and the reply is: "I'm sorry to inform you that as a federal employee I am restricted as to the amount of information I am able to provide to the public about some lesser-known historic sites, such as Falling Roof Ruin. I cannot give detailed directions or provide coordinates. These guidelines were established by Congress in the National Historic Preservation Act to protect and preserve cultural resources. I would recommend you try searching the Web or find a published guide book for more information on Falling Roof Ruin." The trail length is just 0.6 mile. Despite that I was equipped with a hand-held GPS and the information from other hikers and tour books, it took me almost two hours to find the site! Nevertheless, I can't tell you how joyful it was when I spotted the ruin. The best time to photograph the ruin is around mid morning when the whole site is not under direct sunlight, and thus the contrast of the picture is low. Fortunately, I arrived at the ruin at 10:00 am.


Chong Ho Yu 2010


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