Glacier National Park       





Hiking in the mist






Logan Pass is a popular spot along Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park. There are two well-known attractions: Highline Trail and Hidden Lake Trail. Unfortunately, due to a sudden snow storm, Highline Trail was close and Hidden Lake Trail was partly open on the day of my arrival. Visitors were allowed to hike to the outlook to the Hidden Lake (it was so named because the lake was surrounded by mountains) only. The trail is short (3 miles around trip) but it was covered my snow and thus was unrecognizable. Initially I went to the wrong way and fortunately later I corrected the navigation mistake. Nevertheless, it was a enjoyable hike. As you see in the three picture above, the scene along the trail is surrealist. The two pictures below were taken from the outlook point.


Alex Yu 2011


Hidden Lake



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