Cottonwood Canyon Road       


Grand Staircase-Escalante



Southern Utah



Chong Ho Alex Yu



August 2011


Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument could be accessed via a 47-mile scenic dirt road called Cottonwood Canyon Road. The dirt road is impassable when it is wet and muddy. Indeed, many hikers and campers were trapped inside before. Once a man from Page, Arizona told me that he was strangled there for three days due to raining. As you can see from the photos, the clouds were dark while our team was taking photos in the middle of the road. Fortunately we went through the road before it rained.
Without stopping it takes about two hours to drive from Page, Arizona to Escalante, Utah through Cottonwood Canyon Road. But on our way back to Page, we learned that the probability of raining was 20%. Several local residents of Escalante advised us to take the longer paved road, Highway 89, instead of taking Cottonwood Canyon. The safer but longer route took 3.5 hours!



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