Lava River Cave       


Chong Ho Alex Yu









August 2011


Lava River Cave is the longest lava tube found in Arizona. Last time I went there in May and found icicles at the entrance of the cave. This time our team visited the cave in August, but we were disappointed by the absence of icicles. Because I drove through a bumpy dirt road to reach the destination, I didn’t want to leave with empty hands. The team decided to enter the cave anyway, and we learned the valuable lesson that serendipity is always around the corner. We found some crystal-like ice on the surface of the rocks near the entrance. The cave is very dark and the so-called “floor” is actually composed of stacked rocks with big gaps. If we drop anything, it is certain that we will never see it again. As a precautionary measure, we took turns to take pictures. One person held the flash light and the other slowly pulled out the equipment.



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