The Real Blue Canyon      


Hidden Gem



Hopi's Land




October 2011


Two weeks ago  my friends and I went to Blue Canyon inside the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. I kept wondering why the area is called "Blue Canyon" instead of "Red Canyon" because all of the sandstones we had seen so far are red and white. Later the mystery was solved when I returned to the same area with another Hopi man. Actually last time I didn't go far enough. The real blue canyon could be seen after we passed the red sandstones. Indeed, many hikers and photographers made the same mistake. Before visiting Blue Canyon I conducted extensive research and found that most websites posted only the photos of the red sandstones in Blue Canyon.
The pictures of the water pockets shown below were taken near the old school of Blue Canyon, which was abandoned long time ago (more pictures below).


Water Pockets


Chong Ho
Alex Yu




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