Arcosanti Arizona   



November 2010


Arcology = architecture + ecology. This concept was introduced by Italian architect Paolo Soleri in late 1960's. Soleri took an internship in Tallisen West (the Art school founded by Frank L. Wright) under the mentorship of Frank L. Wright who advocates "organic architecture," a design philosophy that emphasizes the organic fusion be between humans and the environment. In a similar vein, Soleri attempted to explore a new form of urban development in the age of environmental crisis. To countermeasure urban sprawling, Soleri suggests designing a city instead of individual buildings, so that nature, houses and supporting facilities could be integrated in a self-sufficient community. An experimental project named "Arcosanti" had been carried out to materialize the idea of Arcology in Arizona (near Prescott) since the 1960s. Originally, the goal was as bold as building a city that could sustain 5,000 residents, but in 2010 there are just about 100 people in Arcosanti.

 Cave Creek 


Alex Yu



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