Dry Tortugas National Park

key West Florida











July 2022t


 Photos taken by Alex Yu

Dry Tortugas National Park is the southernmost national park in the United States. It is about 68 miles (109 KM) west of Key West, Florida. Needless to say, the only way to get there is either by seaplane or by boat. This national park is so popular that all ferry tickets in July were sold out long time ago. Nevertheless, it is just a problem of probability. Specifically, there is always a chance that some passengers do not show up at the ferry terminal. My wife and I got there around 5:30 am in order to be on the top of the wait list. When we arrived at the terminal, we found that there were two persons ahead of us and they had been there since 3:30 am! At the end all of us were allowed to board the ferry. On the boat a couple told us that they purchased their tickets half a year ago!




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