Vermillion Lake

Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada  
Banff National Park
  Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada


Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada  



Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

 Two Jack Lake
Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada  

The Wonder of His Work

  Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

 January 2018

Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Taken by Chong Ho Yu

  Photo of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

In winter most lakes in Banff National Park are frozen. In the perspective of photography the white lake surface is uninteresting. Nonetheless, a few lakes still have open water, such as Two Jack Lake and Vermillion Lake. Walking on these frozen lakes could be dangerous. Some layer looks solid but it might be very thin. While taking pictures at Vermillion Lake, I stepped in a thin layer and my left side of the body fell into the water. Fortunately another photographer grabbed my right hand, the one holding the camera, and pulled me out. The camera was intact and I continued the photography adventure with wet clothing.

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