Hole in the Rock Road       


Southern Utah



Grand Staircase-Escalante



August 2011



Mountain top


Moqui Marbles


Alex Yu 2011



Hole in the Rock Road can lead you to many beautiful and unique places in Grand Staircase-Escalante. One of those unique places is Moqui Marble Canyon. Moqui marbles, also known as Shaman Stones and Thunderballs, are sedimentary concretions formed in water. At first the sediments are covered by sandstone. When the sandstone is totally eroded, the Moqui marbles emerge. The park rangers do not broadcast about this place, and even discourage people from going there, because in the past some hikers collected these rare marbles as souvenirs .
Without the tour guide we might not be able to reach this hidden area. In order to get there we climbed up and down very steep slopes. In addition to Moqui Marble Canyon, along the route I saw some other photogenic landscapes like what I found in Coyote Buttes and White Pocket, Arizona. No wonder once a traveler named Everett Ruess who enthralled the area and exclaimed, “I have seen more beauty than I can bear.”



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