Glacier National Park


Montana, USA


Avalanche Gorge


Cedar Creek

July 2011

Chong Ho Alex Yu


In 1850 there were 150 glaciers in the area of today's Glacier National Park, but today only about 20 glaciers left. Needless to say, many glaciers had been melted down due to rising temperature. Now you can see more falls and creeks than glaciers in the park.

Some scientists estimate that all glaciers there will be gone by 2030 or 2020. Nonetheless, even if no glacier remains in the park, it will still be called Glacier National Park because its landscape was formed by glacier movements.

In spite of the disappearing glaciers, it is still worth going to the park. The park is divided into West Glaciers and East Glaciers. To go across the two sides the only route is Going to the Sun Road, which is very scenic.


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