Fiord National Park

New Zealand 










December 2023

 Chong Ho Alex Yu

The highlight of the New Zealand cruise is the journey through the three fjords situated on the southwestern tip of New Zealand's South Island: Milford Sound, Doubtful Sound, and Dusky Sound. Interestingly, it is a misnomer. These are actually fjords, not sounds. Recognizing this, the area has been appropriately renamed Fiordland National Park.

While fjords and sounds may appear almost identical, their formation processes differ significantly. Fjords are shaped by glacial erosion, resulting in narrow U-shaped or V-shaped water valleys. In contrast, sounds are formed by flood erosion in the valley.

As the cruise ship entered the fjord, the weather was cloudy, with occasional light showers. Nevertheless, amidst the misty atmosphere, the mountains and water exhibited a captivating and mysterious beauty, reminiscent of Chinese ink paintings.

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