Coyote Buttes South in winter




Cone Buttes


Paw Hole Area


Coyote Buttes South is overshadowed by its more popular sister, Coyote Buttes North, also known as "the Waves". Both places require hiking permits, but it takes years to wait for a chance to get into "the Waves" while it is much easier to obtain the permits for Coyote Buttes South. Nevertheless, relatively easy accessibility is not equated with unworthiness. Although I have visited both the north and south sections in the past, I still enjoyed going back and viewing the "cone heads" in Coyote Buttes South. In addition, this time I went there in winter. The sharp contrast of snow against the red sandstone along with the expansive views of buttes became a feast to my eyes. However, due to a snow storm, our team could only stop by the Paw Hole area of Coyote Buttes South. The Cottonwood Cove area, which is considered the best, was unwillingly skipped. 



November 2010

Sandstone paintings

Alex Yu



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