Snow storm in Grand Canyon      





South Rim


Alex Yu


Originally our team planned to hike in the Cottonwood Cove area of Coyote Buttes South. But a snow storm made the deep sand road impassable.  After a short discussion, we considered going to Grand Canyon South Rim to photograph the snow scenery. We called the park ranger to check out the road condition. But it was discouraging to hear that there was no visibility in South Rim. I convinced the whole team to go ahead anyway by saying that it takes just half an hour of clear view to make a great shot. On the way to South Rim an Indian hawker told us that there were several car accidents in the Grand Canyon, but we were un-deterred.  After entering the South Rim through the east entrance, we were eager to go to the main village near the south entrance. However, a police blocked the road and directed all cars to turn back because the icy road had caused some car wrecks. Our driver tried to ask the police to let us go through for we had a 4X4 vehicle, but the policeman was not in a negotiating mood. At last we could only shoot pictures in Moran Point and Desert View Point near the east entrance. Nevertheless, we could still make the most out of this situation.


November 2010



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