Paria Rimrocks


Fallen Caps of Red Hoohoo


Toadstool Trail, Utah



White Hoohoo


November 2010



Alex Yu


Our team failed to enter Coyote Buttes South because of a snow storm, and thus we made a side trip to Paria Rimrocks, which are just a few miles away from the dirt road to Coyote Buttes South. Although I visited Paris Rimrocks before, this time I found a new perspective to photograph the hoodoos. In some pictures (the first two in this page) I used a fallen cap of a hoodoo as the foreground. I was told that the cap of the hoodoo is a piece of hard rock, serving the function of protecting the hoodoo from rapid erosion. After the cap rock is gone, the sandstone will quickly disintegrate .


Chong Ho Yu


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