Lee Ferry      


Balanced Rock



Fallen Balanced Rock


Frog Rock


Lee Ferry is famous for rafting excursions. If you takes a rafting trip to go across the Grand Canyon through Colorado River, Lee ferry is the starting point. The cost of a 2-week rafting trip ranges from US$2000 to $3000, and it is not within my reach at this point. Nonetheless, it is still fun to stop by Lee Ferry to photograph the balanced rocks and the ruins. If you would like to look at balanced rocks, this might be the only place around that area. There are some interesting balanced rocks in Cliff Dwellers, Arizona. It used to be a roadside attraction because these rocks can be easily spotted when you drive to the Grand Canyon North Rim through Freeway 89A. But today many hawkers surround those balanced rocks, and therefore you can no longer take a clear picture of those rocks. Lee Ferry is not on the road side and at the present time the balanced rocks near Lee Ferry are still undisturbed.


Skull Rock



Alex Yu 2011



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