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of Educational Computing Research, 40, 23-46. [password-protected
- Tsui, W. K., & Yu, C. H. (2009). The
theory of time of St. Augustine and its theological reflections.
Jian Dao Journal, 31, 25-52. [password-protected text]
- Yu, C. H. (2008). Compatibility
between evolutionary biology and classical Catholic Natural Law Theory.
China Graduate School of Theology Journal, 45,
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Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2008). The role of abductive reasoning in
cognitive-based assessment. Elementary Education Online,
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Response Theory. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 9(2).
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research methodologies from path modeling, SEM to TETRAD. Theory
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Kim, C., & Andrews, S. (2007). A data visualization and data
mining approach to response and non-response analysis in survey
research. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 12(19).
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and Science, 9 Retrieved from http://theoryandscience.icaap.org/content/vol9.2/Chong.html.
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- Tsui, W. K., & Yu, C. H. (2005). The prospect of doing Evangelical
Theology: How can we break the cycle described by Mark Noll and Tony
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- Yu, C. H., & Osborn-Popp, S. (2005).
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applications. Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation,
10. https://openpublishing.library.umass.edu/pare/article/id/1653/
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- Yu, C. H. (2004). Playing God, God of the
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of photography: Combining the viewer's and the artist's standpoints.
Art Criticism, 19, 63-74
- Yu, C. H. (2004). Philosophical
assumptions in the discussion of Irreducible Complexity, naturalism,
demarcation criterion, probability, law, and adequate explanation.
Jian Dao, 21, 109-127.
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- Yu, C. H. (2003). Testability
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- Yu, C. H. (2003). Misconceived relationships
between logical positivism and quantitative research. Research
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- Yu, C. H., Andrews, S., Winograd, D.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., & DiGangi, S. (2002). Teaching factor
analysis in terms of variable space and subject space using multimedia
visualization. Journal of Statistics Education, 10, 1.
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of situational disinhibition? International Journal of STD
and AIDS, 13(11): 733-743. https://doi.org/10.1258/095646202320753673
- Yu, C. H. (2001). Philosophical foundations of
causality in statistical modeling. Research Method Forum, 6.
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- Ohlund, B., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2001). Impact of asynchronous and synchronous
Internet-based communication on collaboration and performance among
K-12 teachers. Journal of Educational Computing
Research, 23, 435-450.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A. &
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databases: Comparing in choosing the right software for virtual courses
and communities. International Journal of Educational
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of Educational Media International, 35,
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and female criminality. Journal of the Oklahoman
Criminal Justice Research Consortium, 1, 13-23.
- Yu, C. H., & Yang, C. (2023). What's next after model comparison? Model
selection and model averaging in SAS. Proceedings of 2023
WUSS Conference. [Mirror].
- Yu, C. H. (2017). Does factor indeterminacy matter in
multi-dimensional item response theory? Proceedings of 2017
SAS Global Forum.
- Yu, C. H. (2012). Blurring the line between
confirmation and exploration: Model comparison of structural equation
modeling in JMP/SAS. Proceedings of 2012 Western Users
of SAS Software Conference.
- Yu, C. H. (2011). Principal Component
Regression as a Countermeasure against Collinearity. Proceedings
of 2011 Western Users of SAS
Software Conference.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.,
Kim, C., Stay, V., Wenjuo, L., & Long, L. (2007). Interactive
animation for learning Item Response Theory and misfit identification. Proceedings
of the 2006 Joint Statistical Meeting [CD-ROM]. Alexandria,
VA: American Statistical Association.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2006). Between
automation and exploration: SAS graphing techniques for visualization
of survey data. Proceedings of Western Users of SAS
Software Conference, Irvine, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2006). Examples of data manipulation in SAS: Filling
in "known" missing data. Proceedings of Western
Users of SAS Software Conference, Irvine, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., Stay, V.,
DiGangi, S., Kim, C., Long L., Lo, W. J., Kilic, Z., Kang, S.,
& Freeman, R. (2006). Multi-sensory
cognitive learning as facilitated in a FLASH tutorial for Item Response
Theory. Proceedings of 4th International Conference
on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications,
Orlando, FL [CD-ROM].
- Kilic, Z., Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
& DiGangi, S. (2006). Accessing our research bibliographies online:
Better or just different? Proceedings of 2006
Educause SouthWest Conference.
- Yu, C. H. (2005). History of science and
statistical education: Examples from Fisherian and Pearsonian schools. 2004
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Statistical
Education Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American
Statistical Association
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, J. W. (2003). Using SAS
for classical item analysis and option analysis. Proceedings
of 2003 Western Users of SAS Software Conference.
- Yu, C. H. (2002). Automation and visualization
of distractor analysis using SAS/GRAPH. Proceedings
of 2002 Western Users of SAS Software Conference, 232-235.
- Yu, C. H. (2002). An overview of remedial tools
for violations of parametric test assumptions in the SAS system.
Proceedings of 2002 Western Users of SAS
Software Conference, 172-178.
- Yu, C. H., & Stockford, S. (2002).
Comparison of spatial- and temporal-oriented multi-dimensional
visualization techniques. American Statistical Association
2001 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics
- Yu, C. H., Lo, W. J., & Stockford, S.
(2002). Using multimedia to
visualize the concepts of degrees of freedom in terms of sample size
and dimensionality. American Statistical
Association 2001 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education.
- Yu, C. H. (2001). An
introduction to computing and interpreting Cronbach Coefficient Alpha
in SAS. Proceedings of 26th SAS User Group
International Conference.
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Jannasch-Pennell, A., & Towill, L. (2001). Collaborative design and implementation
of a large university's Web-based course. Proceedings
of the 2000 Association for Educational Communications and Technology
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animation on the Web for teaching plant biology. Proceedings
of WebNet 2000 Conference, Association of the Advancement of Computing
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overview of remedial tools for collinearity in SAS. Proceedings
of 2000 Western Users of SAS Software Conference, pp.196-201.
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Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2001). Estimating
the reliability of self-report data for Web-based instruction.
Proceedings of the 2000 Association for
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and the parametric test framework: Misconceived relationships among
sample, sampling distribution, and population. American
Statistical Association 1999 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical
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dependency on treatment effectiveness study, instrument validation, and
performance appraisal. American Statistical
Association 1999 Proceedings of the Section on Social Statistics,
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Proceedings of Ed-Media 99--World Conference
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Jannasch-Pennell, A., & Yu C. H. (2000). Designing on-line
instruction using multidisciplinary approaches. Proceedings
of 1999 Annual Meeting of Association for Educational Communications
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S. & Jannasch-Pennell, A. (1999). Visualizing collinearity ,
variance inflation factor, and orthogonalization in subject space. American
Statistical Association 1998 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical
Education, pp.119-124.
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Jannasch-Pennell, A. & DiGangi, S. (1999). Visualizing factor analysis in variable
space and subject space. American Statistical
Association 1998 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education,
- Yu, C. H., & Behrens, J. T. (1995). Identification of misconceptions
concerning statistical power with dynamic graphics as a remedial tool.
Proceedings of 1994 American Statistical
Association Convention, pp.242-246.
Selected Articles on Magazines
- Yu, C. H. (2015, August). How
Chinese and US eduation promote creativity? World Daily:
Special Issue on Education.
- Yu, C. H. (2014, March 23). Can Christianity be
exempted from scientific investigation? Christian Times, 1386.
- Yu, C. H. (2014, March 16). Why are Christian
leaders corrupt? Christian Times, 1385. Retrieved
from http://christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=82495&Pid=6&Version=0&Cid=150&Charset=big5_hkscs
- Yu, C. H. (2014, Januray 5). No win situation:
Can we ease the tension between science and Christianity?
Christian Times, 1375.
- Yu, C. H. (2013, December 1). What can we learn
from secularization of Europe? Christian Times, 1370.
Retrieved from http://christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=80959&Pid=6&Version=0&Cid=150&Charset=big5_hkscs
- Yu, C. H. (2013, November 13). Can we blame
Postmodernism? Christian Times, 1369. Retrieved from
- Yu, C. H. (2011, Summer). What is natural in
photography? Bosphorus Art Project Quarterly, 6(16)
Retrieved from http://www.bapq.net/summer-11/feature_what-is-natural-in-photography.asp.
- Yu, C. H. (2011, July 20). A brief history of
US Christian Right. Candle Network, 73, 4.
Retrieved from http://www.truth-light.org.hk/article/title/n215.
- Yu, C. H. (2011, July 20). Responses
to New Atheism: What can we learn from Catholic and Jewish scholars?
Christian Times, 1247.
- Yu, C. H. (2011, May 15). The death of bin
Laden: Who is creating a demon? Christian Times, 1237.
- Yu, C. H. (2011, March 6). Advancing and
withdrawing: New atheists and Christians. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2010, July 12). Beyond GDP: An
investigation of the relationship between democracy and national
well-being. Christian Times, 1193.
- Yu, C. H. (2010, May 2). Forgotten persecution:
Politically incorrect view of history. Christian Times, 1183.
- Yu, C. H. (2010, April 28). Had John Rawls
still lived today. Christian Times, 1182.
- Yu, C. H. (2010, Spring). Mental space of
Chinese artists in Ming Dynasty. Bosphorus Art Project
Quarterly, 5(13). Retrieved from http://www.bapq.net/spring-10/feature_chong-ho-yu.asp
- Yu, C. H, (2010, March 31). Implications of N.
T. Wright under the cold winter. Christian Times, 1178.
- Wong, K. T., & Yu, C. H. (2010, March
3). An investigation of the relationships between democracy and economy
using international data. Christian Times, 1176.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, December 6). Extraordinary
claim: Psychology and New Age. Christian Times, 1162.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, September 27). How does
evolutionary psychology explain religion? Effortless speculation?
Christian Times, 1152.
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, K. T. (2009, July
19). Is psychology the deception of endtime? Who is confusing who?
Christian Times, 1142.
- Yu, C. H. (2009). Is God a cosmic creator and
destroyer? An introduction to Kalam cosmological argument. Blessing,
9(3), 11-12.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, June 26). Krugman's economics,
liberalism, and moral issues Christian Times, 1139.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, May 24). Self-use only: On
Dawkins's challenge and Van Till's apologetics Christian
Times, 1134.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, March 26). Would evolutionary
theory lead to moral relativism? Christian Times, 1126.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, March 20). On Character
assassination again: Respect for Behe and Panpsychism. Christian
Times, 1125.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, March 15). Character
assassination: Documentary of Dover's Trial. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2009, Feb. 15). Survival for the
fittest or miracle? Christian Times, 1120.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, Winter). Death in photography.
Bosphorus Art Project Quarterly, 4(10).
Retrieved from http://www.bapq.net/winter-09/feature-yu_death-in-photography.asp.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, Jan. 16). Patriotism in "Yip
Man" and "Mei Lan Fong". Christian Times, 1116.
- Yu, C. H. (2009, Jan. 4). Science that
threatens Christianity. Christian Times, 1114.
- Yu, C. H. (2008, September 28). One-room
schooling in Christianity. Christian Times, 1100.
- Yu, C. H. (2008, Summer). Identity of Chinese
photography. Bosphorus Art Project Quarterly, 4(9).
Retrieved from http://www.bapq.net/summer-08/chinese-photography.asp.
- Yu, C. H. (2008, April 17). Enneagram and
mainstream psychology. Christian Times, 1077.
- Yu, C. H. (2008, January 13).
Anti-intellectualism among Evangelicals. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2007, December 21). The
embarrassment of Christianity: Misquotation about the origin of life. Christian
Times, 1060.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, November 18). Aesthetics of
photography and evolution. Christian Times, 1055.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, Winter). The triple alliance
among art, ethics and politics: A tension between universal
communicability and fleeting political views. Bosphorus Art
Project Quarterly, 3(8). Retrieved from http://www.bapq.net/_oldsite/bapq/issue8/tripple-alliance.asp.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, October 28). Entanglement
of conservatism and liberalism. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2007, September 28). Implications
of Nightingale and Farr for social concerns. Christian
Times, 1048.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, August 28). On genius. Christian
Times, 1043.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, August 20). Idealistic proposal: Moral Taliban.
Christian Times, 1042.
- Wong, K. T., & Yu, C. H.
(2007, July 13). Psychological complex of obtaining credentials
among Christians. Christian Times, 1037.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, May 6). Comparing Dawkins and
Davies: Cosmic Jackpot. Christian Times, 1027.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, May 6). Encircling
creationism. Christian Times, 1027.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, March 11). From President Bush
to leadership training in Christianity. Christian Times, 1019.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, Feb. 22). Amazing grace and
William Wilberforce. Christian Times, 1017.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, Feb. 11). What is science? Christian
Times, 1015.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, July 30). Christianity and
virus of mind: On Richard Dawkins. Christian Times, 987.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, July 13). Beating a dead
horse: Re-examination of evolution and creationism. Christian
Times, 984.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, June 28). Un-intelligent
debate of intelligent design. Christian Times, 982.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, Spring). Color: Direct experience and manipulation.
Bosphorus Art Project Quarterly, 2(1)
- Yu, C. H. (2006, March 12). From the origin to
the cosmos to the end of life: Irresistible temptation and thin honor. Christian
Times, 967.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, March 5). The tragedy of
Balkanization: Who are victims? Who are perpetuators? Christian
Times, 966.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, Jan 28). From Dr. Li's book to
game rules. Christian Times, 961.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, Jan 15). Evidence on the
table: Re-examining the pursuit of truth. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2005, Oct 28). Creating myths by
demystifying: the Disney effect. Christian Times, 948.
- Yu, C. H. (2005, August 1). Healing
the wound. Christian Times, 936.
- Yu, C. H. (2005, July 17). Self-justification:
A projection of the image of batman. Christian
Times, 933.
- Yu, C. H. (2005, May 13). Timelessness
in art and photography. Bosphorus Art Project
Quarterly, 1(3). [mirror]
- Yu, C. H. (2004, December 3). Old
and new myths: 2000 years of Jewish tragedy. Christian
Times, 901.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, November 23). Is
Max Weber still alive? On Christianity and economy. Christian
Times, 899.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, September 30). Live
with a question mark: Why don't I participate in political and social
actions? Christian Times, 892.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, August 8). Authority
and credibility of speakers. Christian Times, 884.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, July 27). Reflections
of modern cosmology and classical creationism. Christian
Times, 883.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, March). Seeking
home in heart: Azar Nafisi. Cheng Ming Monthly, 317,
- Yu, C. H. (2004, March 7). The
Divine command of St. Thomas Aquinas. Christian
Times, 862.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, February). Mind and
eyes: Photography as a visual art of common sense. PSA
Journal, 70(2), 27-29
- Yu, C. H. (2003, November 23). Revenge
and peaceful revolution Christian Times, 847.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, August). On symmetrical
composition. PSA Journal, 69(8), 21-22.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, July 25). Radical
thoughts in Christianity. Christian Times, 830.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, June). What
kind of international order demanded by anti-hegemony activists?
The Trend Magazine, 214, 59-62.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, June 15). Absurd
comments, the war against Iraq and SARS. Christian
Times, 824.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, June 8). Implications
from the intellectual tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Christian Times, 823.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, April 6). Dialogs
in the Lincoln Ethics Conference. Christian Times,
- Yu, C. H. (2003, March). Aesthetical
values of photography and Arnheim's psychology of art. PSA
Journal, (69)3, 14-17. (Italian version,
- Yu, C. H. (2003, February 16). Sincere
advice to young Christians. Christian Times, 807.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, January 12). The
pre-disposition towards the the truth. Christian
Times, 802.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, November 17). Reply
to "Why does the war on terror lead to more terrorism". Christian
Times, 794.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, November 8). Subjectivity
and objectivity of science and religion. Christian
Times, 793.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, August 11). Does peace
in Northern Ireland set a good example? Christian
Times, 780.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, June 9). Conflicts
between religion and science in creationism and evolution. Christian
Times, 771.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, May 16). The challenge
to evolution by Michael Behe. Christian Times, 769.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, March 3). Reply
to Silver Fox. Christian Times.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, September 30). Terrorism
and the rational order of Christianity. Christian
Times, 735.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, August 5). Outmoded
apologetics. Christian Times, 727.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, August 27). Personal
and collective ethics. Christian Times, 678.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, August 6). The fourth
Great Awakening. Christian Times, 675.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, July). The
spirit of Christianity and equal opportunity for education. Christian
- Yu, C. H. (2000, July 28). FileMaker Pro
Publishing. ISO FileMaker Pro Magazine, 1(51).
- Yu, C. H. (2000, May 14). Opposing
sides. Christian Times, 663.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, May 2).
Apologetics in the perspective of research methodology. Christian
- Yu, C. H. (2000, May 2). Apologetics
in the perspective of statistics. Christian Times.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, April 20). Is
linguistic analysis invincible? Christian Times.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, April 20). Apologetics
in the view of psychology. Christian Times.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, April 16). Where
is the Christian culture? Christian Times, 659.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, March 19). The late
apology. Christian Times, 655.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, December). Canyon de Chelly. Macao
Writer Journal, 15-16, 69-73.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, June 1). Introspection. Hong
Kong Literature, 162, 63.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, May 1). Jetfoil. Hong
Kong Literature, 161, 62.
- Yu, C. H. (1997, Fall). The psychology of
technological change. ASU Computing News Online.
Academic Presentations
- Yu, C. H. (2024, September). Bias of large language models:
Evaluation of the
desert-based approach to fairness. LLMs and
Philosophy Conference, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Yu, C. H. (2024, March). Inclusive
futures: Ethical implications of AI and its impact on marginalized
communities. Paper presented at Ethics Roundtable:
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Online.
- Cheung, D., Yoon, S., & Yu, C. H.
(2024, March). Will you be
judged greedier If you know your acquisitive action is causing harm to
others? Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Association for
Practical and Professional Ethics International Conference, Cincinnati,
- Yu, C. H., & Yang, C. (2023, November).
and differences between traditional statistics and DSML: Implications
for data scientists. Paper
presented at 2023 IDEAS Global Conference, Online.
- Yu, C. H., & Yang, C. (2023, November).
What’s next after model
comparison? Model selection and model averaging in SAS. Paper presented at
the Western Users of SAS Software Conference, San Diego, LA.
- Wu, F., Thorp, E., & Yu, C. H. (2023,
April). Issues and opportunities in
undergraduates’ reintegration after study away. Poster
presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention,
Riverside, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2022, December). Dynamic
data visualization for pattern seeking and insightful discovery.
Paper presented at 2022 IDEAS Global AI Conference. Los Angeles, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Awadallah, J., & Xiao, D.
(2022, March). Using cognitive skills
and social attitudes of ordinary citizens to predict preparedness for
pandemic: Lessons from PIAAC. Paper presented at
the International PIAAC Research Conference, Virtual.
- Yu, C. H. (2021, October). Automated and
interactive model screening to identify the champion model.
Paper presented at 2021 IM Data Conference, Online.
- Yu, C. H., Huang, L, & Yip, R. (2021,
July). Diverse perspectives of the
theology of creation care and the science of climate change.
Paper presented at 2021 American Scientific Affiliation, Online.
- Cheung, D., & Yu, C. H. (2021, June). Perceptions of greed and
unfairness. Business & Economics Society
International Conferences, Online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EkIv7KrcWY
- Heekap, L., Hanson, J., & Yu, C. H.
(2021, February). Testing
the relationship between school growth mindset culture, students’
academic mindset, and academic outcomes. Paper presented
at Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher
Education (AILACTE) Virtual Conference, Online.
- Heekap, L., Hanson, J., & Yu, C. H.
(2021, February). Teaching
strategies for improving student’s sense of belonging and the influence
on self-efficacy on classroom tasks: Grouped by moderating demographic
variables. Paper presented at Association of Independent
Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education (AILACTE) Virtual
Conference, Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2020, October). The role of data visualization
in big data analytics. Paper presented at IM
Data Conference, Online.
- Yu, C. H. & Xiao, Z. H. (2020,
October). Large-scale international
assessment by data visualization and rapid data mining.
Paper presented at IDEAS Global AI Conference, Online.
- Xiao, Z. H., & Yu, C. H. (2020, June). Machine learning and big data
analytics identify important predictors of students’ science academic
achievement globally. Virtual poster presented
at American Psychological Society Online Conference. https://psychologicalscience.confex.com/psychologicalscience/2020annual/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/28898
- Yu, C. H., Law, W., & Gan, S.
(February, 2020). Embodied soul: Re-examining
Christian dualism in terms of neuroscience and theology.
Paper presented at Southern California Christians in Science
Conference. Azusa, CA.
- Bonney, L. A. & Yu, C. H. (January,
2020). Mindfulness for
school leader well-being. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and
Improvement. Marrakech, Morocco.
- Gaid, L., & Yu, C. H. (2019, November).
A data science approach to
identify crucial factors of predicting test performance in Program for
International Student Assessment. Poster
presented at Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research.
St. Marcos, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Gaid, L. (2019, October). Model
comparison and model averaging: Which is better? Paper
presented at IDEAS South California AI and Data Science Conference, Los
Angeles, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2019, October). Improving
science and math education: Lessons from Asia. Plenary
Lecture at International Conference on Social Science &
Humanities, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Yu, C. H. (2019, October). An analysis of the relationship
between Christian faith and mental wellbeing utilizing item response
theory. Paper presented at International
Conference on Social Science & Humanities, Prague, Czech
- Yu, C. H., & Rasimas, B. (2019, April).
investigation of the relationship between religious activities,
spirituality, and mental health among university students.
Paper presented at Western Psychological Association Convention,
Pasadena, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Reyes, N., Valenzuela, C.,
Awadallah, J., & Flores, V. (2019, April). Re-examine how religious
activities and perceived importance of religion influence substance use
among Grade-12 students. Poster presented at
Western Psychological Association Convention, Pasadena, CA.
- Gonzales-Castaneda, R., McKay, J. R.,
Steinberg, J., Winters, K. C., Yu, C. H., & McCarthy, K. C.
(2019, April). Testing
mediational processes of substance use relapse among youth who
participated in a mobile health aftercare pilot. Paper
presented at Western Psychological Association Convention, Pasadena, CA.
- Valenzuela, C., Awadallah, J., Reyes, N.,
Flores, V., Joseph, J., Brown, J., & Yu, C. H. (2019, March). An investigation of the
relationship between religiosity and substance abuse by big data
analytics. Paper presented at Big Data Discovery Summit,
Azusa, CA.
- Awadallah, J., Flores, V., Reyes, N., Joseph,
J., Valenzuela, C., Brown, J., & Yu, C. H. (2018, November). An investigation of the
inter-relationships between depression, social relationship, and
intimate relationship. Paper presented at Southern
California Conferences for Undergraduate Research, Pasadena, CA.
- Valenzuela, C., Reyes, N., Brown, J., Joseph,
J., Awadallah, J., Flores, V., & Yu, C. H. (2018, November). How Christian faith influences
tobacco use amongst college students. Paper presented at
Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research, Pasadena,
- Brown, J., Awadallah, J., Valenzuela, C.,
Reyes, N., Flores, V., Joseph, J., & Yu, C. H. (2018,
November). Impact of
sexual traumas on social and intimate relationships. Paper
presented at Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate
Research, Pasadena, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Lee, H. S., Gan, S. Y., &
Brown, E. (2018, September). Analyzing
international assessments: An ensemble and model comparison approach.
Paper presented at Western Users of SAS Software Conference,
Sacramento, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Yung, A., Garcia, L., Reyes, M.,
Bernal, A., & Lee, H. (2018, April). Can rigorous training in math
and science enhance creativity? A mixed-method approach.
Paper presented at Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
- Yu, C. H., Garcia, L., Reyes, M., Yung, A.,
Bernal, A., & Lee, H. (2018, April). The role of openness and
problem-solving in math and science education. Paper
presented at Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
- Yu, C. H. (2018, January). Retrofit or predictive modeling?
A critique of Concordism. Paper presented at
Southern California Christians in Science Conference. Riverside, CA.
- Reyes, M., Yu, C. H., Yung, A., Huang, L.,
Garcia, L., & Bernal, A, (2018, January). Acquisition of environmental
science knowledge and the development of theological position between
human and nature. Paper presented at Southern
California Christians in Science Conference. Riverside, CA.
Bonney, L., &
Yu, C. H. (2018, January). Sharing
tacit knowledge for school improvement. Paper presented at
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement,
- Garcia, L., Preciado, C., Yung, A., Rivera, A.
& Yu, C. H. (2017, November). A cross-cultural comparison of
the relationship between motivation and performance in math and science.
Paper presented at Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate
Research, Pomona, CA.
- Gan, S., Lee, H. S., Brown, E., & Yu,
C. H. (2017, November). The ensemble method and model
comparison for predictive modeling with big data.
Paper presented at Southern California Big Data Discovery Summit,
Azusa, CA.
- Ellingsworth, E., Woods, T., Yung, A., Fanget,
J., & Yu. C. H. (2017, November). Big data analytics with neural
networks and smoothing spline for international assessments.
Paper presented at Southern California Big Data Discovery Summit,
Azusa, CA.
- Preciado, C., Rivera, A., Huang, L, Garcia, L.,
Yung, A., & Yu, C. H. (2017, November). Utilizing archival data
for examining the relationship between hermeneutics and environmental
awareness. Paper presented at Southern
California Big Data Discovery Summit, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2017, October). A cross-cultural comparison
between US and Asia in math and science learning. Invited
presentation at XIII International Conference on Social Sciences.
Vienna, Austria.
- Yu,
C. H., & Cheung, K. T. (2017, October). Rethinking the Dworkinian
forward-looking approach: is Affirmative Action compatible with
fairness? Paper presented at XIII International Conference
on Social Sciences. Vienna, Austria.
- Yu, C. H., Lee, H. S., Gan, S., &
Brown, E. (2017, September). Nonlinear
modeling with big data in SAS and JMP. Paper
presented at Western Users of SAS Software Conference, Long Beach, CA. [Mirror]
- Huang, L., & Yu, C. H. (2017, July). The relevance of undergraduate
education and climate change issues. Paper presented for
American Scientific Affiliation Annual Meeting, Golden, CO.
- Yu, C. H., Whitney, W., Brown, E., Gan, S.,
& Lee, H. S. (2017, April). Are Christians anti-science? An
investigation of the relationship between attitudes towards Scripture
and science. Paper presented at Southern
California Christians in Science Conference, Riverside, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2017, April). Does factor indeterminacy matter
in multi-dimensional item response theory? Paper
presented at SAS Global Forum, Orlando, FL.
- Brown, E., & Yu, C. H. (2017, April). A
qualitative approach to the unchurching phenomenon: Content and
sentiment analyses. Paper presented at Western
Psychological Association Convention. Sacramento, CA.
- Ro, S., Chavez, S., Brown, E., & Yu, C.
H. (2016, November). Emotive and experiential
factors of leaving the Christian faith and the Church. Paper presented
at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research,
Riverside, CA.
- Brown, E., Lee, H. S., Gan, S., & Yu,
C. H. (2016, November). A cross-cultural comparison of
adult skills: The ensemble approach. Poster presented at the
Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Riverside,
- Yu, C. H. (2016, October). Pattern recognition: The role of
data visualization and data mining in statistics. Invited
presentation at International Conference on Statistical Distributions
and Applications, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
- Brown, E., Yu, C. H., Gan, S. Y., &
Lee, H. S. (2016, September). Examining the trilateral
relationships between religiosity, attitudes towards science and
education attainment: A partial least square approach.
Poster presented at Analytics Experience Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Yu, C. H., Hui, H., Kriege, M., &
Mather, N. (2016, April). Why do college students give up
Christianity? A mixed-method approach. Poster
presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Long Beach,
- Yu, C. H., & Lee, H. S. (2016, April). Are religious faith and church
attendance protective factors against casual sex?
Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Long
beach, CA.
- dela Cruz, F., & Yu, C. H. (2016,
April). A short
acculturation scale for Filipino Americans: Factor structure in US-born
sample. Paper presented at 49th Annual Communicating
Nursing Research Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Cole, J., Whitney, W., Kim, G.
(2016, February). Are
we predisposed to believe in afterlife? Reexamining evolutionary
psychology of religion. Paper presented at Southern
California Christians in Science Conference, Pasadena, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Setyan, K. (2015,
December). An investigation of the
assimilation effect, the contrast effect, and autocorrelation in
within-subject experimentation. Poster presented
at Designed Experiments: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications
Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Yu, C. H., Trier, H., & Slama, M.
(2015, October). A data mining approach to
examine the inter-relationships between subjective wellbeing,
secularization and religiosity. Poster presented
at SAS Analytics Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Trier, H., & Yu, C. H. (2015, October).
A big data analytic of the
relationship between political orientation and attitudes toward science
in 15 countries. Poster presented at SAS
Analytics Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Yu, C. H., & Douglas, S., & Yu,
A., (2015, September). Illustrating
preliminary procedures for multi-dimensional item response theory.
Poster presented at Western Users of SAS Software Conference, San
Diego, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Yu, A., & Douglas, S. (2015,
September). What can JMP do for you if
hypothesis testing is banned? Poster presented
at JMP Discovery Summit, San Diego, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Cole, J., Ramirez, A., &
Gan, S. Y. (2015, May). Examining developmental and
religious differences in trait attributions to dead agents.
Paper presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Las
Vegas, NV.
- Yu, C. H., Wong, G., Reimer, D., Yip, T., Yu,
A., & Snijder, J-P. (2015, May). Examining the relationships
among secularization, religiosity, and subjective-objective wellbeing.
Paper presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Las
Vegas, NV.
- Yu, A., & C. H. Yu. (2015, April). The
psychological benefit of learning probability as a complex,
multitheoretical subject. Poster presented at the 34th
Southern Chapter of American Statistical Association Annual Applied
Statistics Workshop, Long Beach, CA.
- Shiao, S. P., Yu, C. H., Xie, C. C., Ho, S. M.
(2015, February). Big Data analytics on common gene mutations
in epigenetics methylation pathways: Population health issues for
cancer prevention. Paper presented at the American
Association of Cancer Research, Computational and Systems Biology of
Cancer Conference?, San Francisco, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2015, February). An
examination of anti-creationism arguments in the perspective of
hypothesis testing. Paper presented at Southern
California Christians in Science Conference, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H, Wong, G., Reimer, D., Snijder, J-P.,
Yu, A., & Yip, T. (2015, February). Can
statistical science be used to affirm the inverse relationship between
Religiosity and social wellbeing? Paper presented
at Southern California Christians in Science Conference, Azusa, CA.
- Hartwig, R. T., Endacott, C., & Yu, C.
H. (2014, November). Church leadership teams: Communication
differences that make a difference. Paper presented at Annual
meeting of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
- Yu, C. H. & Wu, S. F. (2014, October). Teaching math and science as a
value system: Lessons from Asia. Paper presented at
Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan.
- Yu, C. H., & Yu, A. (2014, July). Learning statistics based upon
multiple theories of probability. Poster presented
at 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Flagstaff,
- Yu, C. H., Hui, C. H., Lau, Y. Y., &
Cheung, S. F. (2014, April). A
typology of Christian believers according to the values they hold.
Paper presented at the 12th Annual Mid-Year Conference on Religion and
Spirituality, La Mirada, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Hui, C. H. (2014, April). Identifying factors
contributing to disengaged and deconverted Christians: A mixed method
approach. Paper presented at the 12th Annual
Mid-Year Conference on Religion and Spirituality, La Mirada, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2014, January). Beyond
randomness and pattern: Are Christian and scientific worldviews
compatible? Paper presented at Southern California
Christians in Science Conference, Azusa, CA.
- Vaudrey, S., Vasseur, K., Tsai, A., &
Yu, C. H. (2014, January). Work-life balance: An analysis of
career aspiration, religiosity, and gender role ideology.
Paper presented at Southern California Christians in Science
Conference, Azusa, CA.
- Apostolopoulos, Y., Sönmez, S., Wideman, L.,
Yu, C. H., Hege, A., Oberlin, D., Johnson, A. (2013, November). Paradigm
shift in commercial driver sleep research: From reductionist approaches
to complex adaptive systems. Paper presented at 21st
Conference of International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH):
International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. Bahia: Brazil.
- Yu, C. H. (2013, October). Re-examining
the interpretive framework of psychology of religion. Paper
presented at Psychology and the Other Conference, Cambridge, MA.
- Yu, C. H. (2013, March). Integrating
text mining and content analysis in studying psychology of religion.
Paper presented at Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
Conference, Marburg, Germany.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, September). Blurring the line between
confirmation and exploration: Model comparison of structural equation
modeling in JMP/SAS. Paper presented at Western
Users of SAS Software Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, August). Are unconsciousness,
physical tendency, and free will compatible? Paper
presented at the 19th conference of the European Society for Philosophy
of Religion, Soesterberg, Netherlands.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, April). A
Cross-cultural study of the relationships among academic self-concept,
instrumental motivation, instructional strategies, and TIMSS 2007
math/science scores. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Yu, C. H. (2011, October). Principal component
regression as a countermeasure against collinearity.
Paper presented at Western Users of SAS Software Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2011, April). A time-lag analysis of
the relationships among PISA scores, scientific research publication,
and economic performance. Paper presented at Annual Meeting
of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S. (2011, April). Beyond using GDP for
policy-making: An exploratory study of the relationship between PISA
math/science test scores and national well-being. Paper
presented at Annual Meeting of American Educational Research
Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Ziker, C., & Yu, C. H. (2011, March). Predictive
power of Health Belief Model among high school students.
Paper presented at American Association for Physical Activity and
Recreation, San Diego, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S. (2010, August). An examination of reliability of
text mining. Paper presented at Joint Statistical Meetings.
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2010, May). Comparing American and Canadian Grade
10 students in PISA science test performance using data mining.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Denver, CO.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S. (2010, April). Developing
training modules for science education using structural reporting and
natural language processing in Wolfram Alpha. Paper
presented at Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online
Conference. Honolulu, HI.
- Yu, C. H. (2010, April). Alternate
research methodologies for non-statisticians. Microcomputer
in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ
- Yu, C. H., Brewer, L., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
Digangi, S., & Kaprolet, C. (2009, April). Adopting Web
2.0 for instruction: The effects of faculty rank and employment status.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Diego, CA.
- Brewer, L., Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
DiGangi, S., & Kaprolet, C. (2009, April). Faculty
privacy and intellectual property concerns and Web 2.0 technologies.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Diego, CA.
- Brewer, L., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2009, February). Use of social
networking sites in residential life and its implications.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Campus Architecture and
Middleware Planning, Tempe, AZ.
- Brewer, L., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2009, February). Academic
and non-academic use of social networking software.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Campus Architecture and
Middleware Planning, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Brewer, L., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
DiGangi, S., & Kaprolet, C. (2008, November). Perceptions
of open source across the institution. Paper
presented at WCET Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Brewer, L., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2008, October). Crafting a campus
identity: First year students, residential life and social networking.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of EDUCAUSE, Orlando, FL.
- Yu, C. H., & Ziker, C.(2008,
September). Conceptual
understanding and fitness gains on standards based physical education
assessments. Paper presented at the 25th International
Council for Physical Activity & Fitness Research, Loma Linda,
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.,
& Kaprolet, C. (2008, August). An examination of the
relationship between high school technological-oriented courses and
college retention using regression modeling. Paper presented
at the 2008 Joint Statistical Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Brewer, L., Kilic, Z., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S.,
& Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2008, May). Collaborative Web
2.0 tools in higher education: Faculty experience with Google Apps and
Wikis. Paper presented at the Southwest Institute for
Learning with Technology Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
& Kim, C. (2008, March). Profiling online students
using data mining and data visualization. Paper presented at
the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
New York, NY
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.,
Stay, V., & Moore, B. (2008, March). Open source
applications for training teachers in developing assessment systems.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Information
Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
Kaprolet, C. (2008, March). A crossover study of learner
attitude towards use of audio in multimedia-based tutorials.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Information
Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
& Gorin, J. (2007, October). A multidisciplinary
approach to cognitive-based assessment. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of EDUCAUSE, Seattle, WA.
- Andrews, S., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
Yu, C. H., & Kilic, Z. (2007, October). From the
horse's mouth: Student views on the ideal learning environment.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of EDUCAUSE. Seattle, WA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.,
Kim, C., & Andrews, S. (2007, August). A data
visualization/mining approach to response and non-response analysis in
survey research. Paper presented at the 2007 Joint
Statistical Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Andrews, S., Killic, Z, DiGangi, S.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., Flores, Y., Cohn, S., Yu, C. H., &
Dorsett, L. (2007, April). Visual ethnography and identity in
an outreach program for children of migrant workers. Paper
presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, IL.
- Andrews, S., Killic, Z, DiGangi, S.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., Flores, Y., Cohn, S., & Yu, C. H. (2007
April). Representations of immigrant identity in a technology
education outreach program. Paper presented at the Annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, April). Defending linearity
and simplicity in the perspective of history of science.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, April). Causation in
quantitative research methodologies from Pearson to Glymour.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, March). No child
left untested: Enhancing assessment by item banking. Paper
presented at the 2007 Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
Lo, W. J., Kaprolet, C., & Kim, C. (2007, February). A
data mining approach to differentiate predictors of retention between
online and traditional students. Paper presented at the 2007
EDUCAUSE Southwest Regional Conference, Austin, TX.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2006, September). Between automation
and exploration: SAS graphing techniques for visualization of survey
data. Paper presented at Western Users of SAS Software
Conference, Irvine, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, September). Examples
of data manipulation in SAS: Filling in "known" missing data.
Paper presented at Western Users of SAS Software Conference, Irvine,
- Yu, C. H., Freeman, R., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
DiGangi, S., Kim, C., & Stay, V. (2006, August). Interactive
animation for learning Item Response Theory and misfit identification.
Paper presented at the 2006 Joint Statistical Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., Stay, V.,
DiGangi, S., Kim, C., Long L., Lo, W. J., Kilic, Z., Kang, S.,
& Freeman, R. (2006). Multi-sensory cognitive
learning as facilitated in a FLASH tutorial for Item Response Theory.
Paper presented at International Conference on Education and
Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, FL.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, April). Quantitative
methodology in the perspectives of Abduction, Deduction, and Induction.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, March). Emerging
research methodology of educational psychology and technology.
Paper presented at the 24th Annual Microcomputer
in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Kilic, Z., Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2006, February). Accessing our research
bibliographies online: Better or just different?" Paper
presented at the 2006 EDUCAUSE Southwest Regional Conference, Austin,
- Choi, H., Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
& DiGangi, S. (2005, October). "Human reasoning transcends
computation": Re-examination of cognitive models from ACT to Bayes Net
and their implications to educational psychology and technology.
Paper presented at Arizona Educational Research Organization
Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, J. W. (2005, March).
Visualize your invisible creativity:
Empowerment by digital photography. Paper presented at the 23th
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2004, August). History of science and
statistical education: Examples from Fisherian and Pearsonian schools.
Paper presented at the 2004 Joint Statistical Meeting, Toronto, Canada
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 490 345).
- Yu, C. H. (2004, April). Balkanization and unification of
probabilistic inferences. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego,
CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 490 344)
- Yu, C. H. (2004, April). "Moral
monsters" in the perspectives of philosophy, psychology, and religion.
Paper presented at The Conference of God: Interdisciplinary
Perspectives on Theology and Religion, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, J. W. (2003,
November). Using SAS for classical item analysis and option
analysis. Paper presented at the 2003 Western Users of SAS
Software conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, J. W. (2003, March).
photography and imaging. Paper presented at the 22th
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, March). Wireless
Networking Infrastructure. Paper presented at the 22nd
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, October). Assumptions
and interventions of probabilistic causal models.
Paper presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Arizona Educational
Research Association, Tempe, AZ (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
ED 473 153).
- Yu, C. H. (2002, September). An
overview of remedial tools for violations of parametric test
assumptions in the SAS system. Paper presented at the 2002
Western Users of SAS Software conference, San Diego, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, September). Automation
and visualization of distracter analysis using SAS/GRAPH.
Paper presented at the 2002 Western Users of SAS Software conference,
San Diego, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, April). A
philosophical investigation of causal interpretation in structural
equation models. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association SIG: Structural Equation
Modeling, New Orleans, LA.
- Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., Stockford, S.
M., Yu, C. H., Chen, Y., & Lo, W. (2002, April). The
.05 level: The probability that the independent-samples t test should
be applied? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Yu, C. H., & Bhatia, S. (2002, March). Integrating
online database and data analysis Systems. Paper presented at
the 21th Annual Microcomputer in Education
Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Bhatia, S., Cody, D., &
Wadhwani, V. (2002 March). Automation and
visualization of test item analysis. Paper
presented at the 21th Annual Microcomputer in
Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Wenjuo, Lo, Yu, C. H., & Stockford, S.
(2002, March). Implementation of flash Simulation for
interactive instructional modules. Paper presented at the 21th
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Stockford, S., Thompson, M., Lo, W. J., Chen,
Y. H., Green, S., & Yu, C. H. (2001, October). Confronting
the statistical assumptions: New alternatives for comparing groups.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Arizona Educational
Researcher Organization, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., & Ohlund, B. (2001,
October). A philosophical inquiry into the existence of
theoretical distributions and its implication to educational &
policy researchers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Arizona Educational Researcher Organization, Tempe, AZ (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 458 236).
- Apostolopoulos, Y., Sonmez, S., & Yu,
C. H. (2001, October). Health-risk behaviors of long haul
truckers in the Southwest. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Yu, C. H., & Stockford, S. (2001,
August). Comparison
of spatial- and temporal-oriented multi-dimensional visualization
techniques. Paper presented at the Joint
Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, GA.
- Yu, C. H., & Lo, W. J. (2001, August).
Using multimedia
to visualize the concepts of degree of freedom, perfect-fitting, and
over-fitting. Paper presented at the 2001 Joint
Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, GA.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, April). An
Introduction to computing and interpreting Cronbach Coefficient Alpha
in SAS. Paper presented at the SAS User Group International
Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, April). Misconceived
relationships between logical positivism and quantitative methods.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Seattle, WA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 452 266)
- Yu, C. H. (2001, April). Developing data systems to support the
analysis and development of large-Scale, on-line Assessment.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Seattle, WA (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 458 266).
- DiGangi, S.; Andrews, S.; Jannasch-Pennell, A.;
Ohlund, B; Yu, C. H. (2001, April). A design rubric for
Web-based courses. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
- Roberts, M., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.
A., & Yu, C. H. (2001, April). Growing pains, small
successes and significant victories of a community-based reading
program. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
National Association of School Psychologists.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, March). Integrating Windows 2000 into the computing
infrastructure. Paper presented at Microcomputer in
Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, March). How to conduct effective research
and evaluation of technology-based instruction.
Paper presented at Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, March). Using
dynamic graphics to enhance Web-based presentations. Paper
presented at Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, March). Teaching digital photography to
enhance creativity. Paper presented at
Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2001, January). Strategies
of research and evaluation in educational technology. Paper
presented at Teaching and Technology Conference, Tucson, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., & Wong, J. (2001, January). Digital
imaging and creativity. Paper presented at Teaching and
Technology Conference, Tucson, AZ.
- Yu, C. H, Wijesuriya, R., DiGangi, S. ,
Jannasch-Pennell, A. & Towill, L. (2000, November). Using
animation on the Web for teaching plant biology. Paper
presented at WebNet 2000 Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Miltiadou, M., & Yu, C. H. (2000,
October). Validation of
the online technologies self-efficacy survey (OTSES).
Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and
Technology (AECT) International Convention, Denver CO (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 445 672).
- Yu, C. H., Wijesuriya, R., DiGangi, S. ,
Jannasch-Pennell, A. & Towill, L. (2000, October). Collaborative design and implementation
of a large university's Web-based course. Paper
presented at the Association for Educational Communications and
Technology (AECT) International Convention, Denver CO (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 445 803).
- Nishikura, H., & Yu, C. H. (2000,
October). Relationships among enhanced graphical organizers,
objectives and recall. Paper presented at the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International
Convention, Denver CO.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S.. (2000, September). Using SAS for analyzing
website traffic. Paper presented at the Western Users of SAS
Software Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, September). An
overview of remedial tools for collinearity in SAS. Paper
presented at the Western Users of SAS Software Conference, Scottsdale,
- Yu, C. H.. (2000, September). Using SAS/Insight for exploratory data
analysis and data visualization. Paper presented at
Western Users of SAS Software Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, August). Using digital
photography for teaching creativity. Arizona Technology Conference,
Mesa, AZ.
- Wasson, B., & Yu, C. H. (2000, August).
Developing online surveys. Arizona
Technology Conference, Mesa, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A.,
Cohn, S., & Collins, C. (2000, April). Gathering and scattering: A study of
the relationship between mental modeling and problem solving.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S. (2000, April). Using
Web-based linear movies and modularized slide shows for teaching
statistics courses: A study of the relationship between knowledge
nature and multimedia type. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 441 884)
- Yu, C. H., Hoff, T, & Howard, J. (2000
March). Which server should serve you? A comparison of
Windows NT/2000, Novell Netware, UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Paper presented at the 20th Annual Microcomputer
in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000 March). How to
maintain and fine tune your PC? Paper presented at the 20th
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H.; & Wasson, B. (2000 March).
Web-based databases for online tests, surveys, and reports.
Paper presented at the 20th Annual Microcomputer
in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000 March). Creating QuickTime movies as animated
tutorials. Paper presented at the 20th
Annual Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., & Wasson, B. (2000,
January). Developing online survey for student use.
Paper presented at The Eighth Annual Teaching and Technology Conference
for Arizona Educators, Tucson, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Ohlund, B., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2000, February). Estimating the
reliability of self-report data for Web-based instruction.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, Long Beach, CA.
- Tu, C., DiGangi, S. A., Yu, C. H., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. K. (2000, February). Validating social
presence instrument. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Long
Beach, CA.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., &
Jannasch-Pennell, A. (1999, November). Using QuickTime
movies, Javascipt-based slide shows, and Macromedia Flash in teaching
intermediate statistics courses. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Computer in Psychology, Los Angeles,
- DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
Yu, C. H. (1999, November). Using
online intelligent assessment tools for Multilevel Academic Skills
Inventory. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Society for Computer in Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Ohlund, B., Winograd, D., Andrews,
S., DiGangi, S., & Jannasch-Pennell, A. (1999, August). Incoherence
and the parametric test framework: Misconceived relationships among
sample, sampling distribution, and population. Paper
presented at 1999 Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Yu, C. H., DiGangi, S., Winograd, D.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., Ohlund, B., & Andrews, S. (1999, August).
Circular dependency on treatment effectiveness
study, instrument validation, and performance appraisal.
Paper presented at 1999 Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Ohlund, B., Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.,
Andrews, S., & Yu, C. H. (1999, June). An analysis of
web-based communications and collaboration among K-12 educators.
Paper presented at Ed-Media 99--World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, WA.
- Ohlund, B., Andrews, S., Yu, C. H.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., & DiGangi, S. (1999, April). Impact
of asynchronous and synchronous Internet-based communication on
collaboration and performance among K-12 teachers. Paper
presented the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research
Association, Montreal: QB, Canada. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 435 592)
- Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.A., Irvine,
S., Yu, C. H., Cohn, S.J. (1999, April). Intelligent,
interactive web-based learning environments: A component analysis.
Paper presented the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research
Association, Montreal: QB, Canada.
- Irvine, S, Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S.A.,
& Yu, C. H., (1999, April). Viability of the digital
portfolio as an evaluation tool in K-6 education. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Montreal: QB, Canada.
- Yu, C. H. (1999, March). Web-enabled
databases. Paper presented at Microcomputer in Education
Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1999, March). Networks for schools.
Paper presented at Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1999, March). How to maintain your
PC. Paper presented at Microcomputer in Education
Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Winograd, D., DiGangi, S., Wasson,
B., Jannasch-Pennell, A., & Andrews, S. (1999, February). Using
Web-enabled databases for online instruction. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of Assoication for Educational Communications and
Technology, Houston, TX.
- Andrews, S., Winograd, D., DiGangi, S.,
Jannasch-Pennell, A., & Yu, C. H. (1999, February). Designing on-line instruction using
multidisciplinary approaches. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Houston, TX (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED
436 186).
- Jannasch-Pennell, A., DiGangi, S., Yu, C. H.,
Andrews, S., & Babb, J. (1999, February). Impact of instructional grouping
on navigation and student learning in a Web-based learning environment.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Houston, TX..
- Yu, C. H., Winograd, D., Andrews, S., DiGangi,
S. & Jannasch, A. (1998, August). Visualizing
collinearity, VIF, and orthogonalization in subject space.
Paper presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Dallas, TX.
- Yu, C. H., Andrews, S., Winograd, D., Jannasch,
A. & DiGangi, S. (1998, August). Visualizing factor
analysis in variable space and subject space. Paper presented
at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Dallas, TX.
- Andrews, S., Yu, C. H., Winograd, D., &
Jannasch, A. (1998, March). Animated biplot for factor
analysis in hyperspace. Paper presented at the Western
Statistics Teacher Conference, Colarado Spring, CO.
- Winograd, D., Yu, C. H., Andrews, S., &
DiGangi, S. (1998, March). Visualizing collinearity in
regression analysis. Paper presented at the Western
Statistics Teacher Conference, Colarado Spring, CO.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, March). Using access
log to evaluate Web-based instruction. Paper presented at the
Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, March). Introduction to
networking. Paper presented at the Microcomputer in
Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, March). Treat your PC like
your car: How to maintain a PC. Paper presented at
the Microcomputer in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Huston, D., Dugan, J., &
Behrens, J. T. (1996, August). Multivariate graphics are
useful (When used appropriately). Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Yu, C. H., Huston, D., Dugan, J., &
Behrens, J. T. (1996, April). Bring the world into the
classroom with internet resources. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York:
New York.
- Yarbrough, B. C., & Yu, C. H. (1996,
February). Making statistics visually meaningful.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational
Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, IN.
- Yu, C. H., & Behrens, J. T. (1995,
November). The
alignment framework for data visualization: Relationships among
research goals, data type, and multivariate visualization techniques.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Society for Computer in
Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Behrens, J. T. (1995,
August). One-stop
internet for statistical education. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Orlando,
- Behrens, J. T., Yu, C. H., & Rowe, W.
(1995, August). Meta-analysis of White Racial Identity
Attitude Scale (RIAS-W). Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of American Psychological Association., New York, NY.
- Yu, C. H., Anthony, S, & Behrens, J. T.
(1995, April). Identification
of misconceptions in learning central limit theorem and evaluation of
computer-based instruction as a remedial tool.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 395 989).
- Yu, C. H., & Behrens, J. T. (1994,
November). Improving the interpretability of research results
through multivariate visualization. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Computer in Psychology, St. Louis,
- Yu, C. H., Behrens, J. T., Curda, S. K.
& Baharestani, H. (1994, August). Identification of misconceptions
concerning statistical power with dynamic graphics as a remedial tool.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical
Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Behrens, J. T., & Yu, C. H. (1994,
June). The
visualization of multi-way interactions and high-order terms in
multiple regression. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
- Yu, C. H. (1994, April). Induction? Deduction?
Abduction? Is there a logic of EDA? Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 376 173)
- Behrens, J. T., Yu, C. H., & Pensabene,
T. (1993, April). Addressing misconceptions in learning power
analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Atlantic, Georgia.
- Marcus-Mendoza, S., Sargent, E & Yu, C.
H. (1993, August). Incidence of abuse among female inmates in
Oklahoma. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada..
- Yu, C. H. (1992, November). Motivational
variables and computer simulation for teaching correlation and
regression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Stillwater, OK.
- DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A., Yu, C. H.,
and Kilic, Z. (2006). 1:1 Computing: Toward an understanding
of technological means, needs and preferences of the ASU Downtown
Phoenix Campus student. Applied Learning Technologies
Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2004). Rethinking
Admission Policy: Is Affirmative Action Compatible with Fairness?.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 490 346)
Selected Seminars and Workshops
- Yu, C. H. (2025, January). The good, the bad, and the ugly
of AI and machine learning. Seminar presented at
HPU Summit: AI Unplugged, Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2025, January). Trump's victory: A backlash
among American voters against the extreme left?
Seminar presented at Hong
Kong Sex Culture Society. Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2024, December). Surviving and professionally
thriving in the face of AI and machine learning.
Seminar presented at the Annual Meeting of South California Chapter of
American Statistical Association. Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2024, October). Creating
illustrations and graphs for presentations: Generative AI art tools.
Seminar presented at Teaching with AI Workshop, Hawaii Pacific
University, HI.
- Cheung, D., & Yu, C. H. (2024,
October). Ethics
in the age of AI and big data: Navigating the challenges of emerging
technologies. Seminar presented at Hawaii Pacific University,
Honolulu, HI. [Recording].
- Yu, C. H. (2024, July). Left-wing ideology dominates
American universities. Seminar presented at Hong
Kong Sex Culture Society. Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2023, December). AI ethics and female images.
Seminar presented at Hong Kong Sex Culture Society. Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2023, December 2). From traditional statistics to
modern data science and machine learning.
Seminar presented at South California Chapter of American Statistical
Association. Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H., & Yang, C. (2023, October
14). Data science and
business analytics. Panel Discussion at 2023 IDEAS Global AI
Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2023, June 15). Human flourishing in the age of
AI. Panel Discussion at CRIS Conference, Azusa,
- Yu, C. H. (2022, November 30). Integrating statistics and data
science environments in academic departments.
National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2020, September 5). How to discern misinformation
from reliable information? Seminar presented at
Metro-Phoenix Chinese Alliance Church, Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2020, September 3). Asian
psychology: Seminar on diversity, culture and inclusion.
Seminar presented at Harold Abel School of Psychology, Capella
University, Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2020, May). Automated
text mining, cluster analysis, and multi-dimensional scaling: Which is
the best? Seminar presented at International Data Engineering
and Science Association, Online.
- Yu, C. H. (2019, April 11). What can we learn from Asia in
science and math education? Psychology Symposium
at Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C, H. (2016, May 27). What are the factors
contributing to the success of Asian students in science learning?
Seminar presented at Center for Information Technology in Education,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
- Yu, C. H. (2014, July). Dancing with the data.
Seminar presented at Center for Information Technology in Education,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
- Yu, C. H. (2014, May). Data
management, data analysis, and data sharing. Seminar
presented at School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Cenac-Mehedinti, M., & Yu, C. H. (2014,
April). Data management and peer review. Workshop
presented at the Office of Sponsored Research and Grants, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, May). Data
visualization and data mining in JMP. Seminar presented at
the Department of Psychology, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, May). Artificial
Neural Network in education (ANNIE). Seminar presented at the
Department of Psychology, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, May). Logistic
regression in JMP. Seminar presented at the Department of
Psychology, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, June). Testing and
measurement in JMP. Seminar presented at the Department of
Psychology, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2012, June). CFA and SEM.
Seminar presented at the Department of Psychology, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA.
- Yu, C. H. (2008, Feb). Blending art
and science: Creative digital photography. Freescale
Semiconductor, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, September). Item
response theory and cognitive-based assessment. Glendale
School District, Glendale, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2007, April). Item
response theory and item bank. Applied Learning Technology
Institute, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H., Jannasch-Pennell, A., &
DiGangi, S. (2006, October). Applications of Item response
theory and item bank. Arizona Educational Researcher
Organization, Phoenix, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2006, June). Coping with
No Child Left Behind: Assessment theories and item bank.
Paradise Valley Unified School District, Paradise Valley, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2003, October). Psychometrics
using Winsteps and Bilog. Arizona Educational Researcher
Organization, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2002, February). Introduction
to digital photography. Motorola Inc., Phoenix, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, December). Using SAS/Insight and JMP for data
visualization and exploratory data analysis. Valley SAS User
Group, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, August). Research
and evaluation for Web-based instruction. Instruction Support
Group, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, August). Using
Web-enabled databases for online courses. Instruction Support
Group, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, July). Introduction to characteristics
of the Chinese culture. OASIS, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (2000, February). Introduction
to characteristics of the Chinese culture. OASIS, Phoenix,
- Yu, C. H. (1999, June). Using File Maker Pro for
online database. ASU Mac User Group, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1999, April). The Chinese
culture and Chinese cultures. Scottsdale Kiwanis Club,
Scottsdale, AZ
- Yu, C. H. (1998, August). Software tools for
quantitative research. Instruction Support Lab Salon, Tempe, AZ.
- Yu, C. H. (1998, February). Using File Maker Pro
for online image bank. Instruction Support Lab Salon, Tempe,
- Yu, C. H. (1997, November). Beyond
PhotoShop: Introduction to Paint Shop Pro, Ulead PhotoImpact, and
Fractal Design Painter. Instruction Support Lab Salon, Tempe,
- Yu, C. H. (1997, October). Using
JMP for analyzing user access log. Instruction Support Lab
Salon, Tempe, AZ.
- Wixted, J. T. (1998). Recent Western
scholarship on Chin dynasty. Trans. by Chong Ho Yu. In Tung Kit Ying,
Lui Cha, Zhun Yo Wah, & Chai Chen Tin (Eds.). Research on Yuan
Hoi Mun and the literature of Liao and Chin (pp. 195-211).
Beijing, China: Chinese International Broadcasting Press. [password-protected text]
- Nicholi, A. (1998 January). C.S. Lewis and
Sigmund Freud: a comparison of their thoughts and viewpoints on life,
pain and death (Part I). The Real Issue. Trans. by
Chong Ho Yu. In Online Chinese Christian Resources.
- Nicholi, A. (1998 January). C.S. Lewis and
Sigmund Freud: a comparison of their thoughts and viewpoints on life,
pain and death (Part II). The Real Issue. Trans. by
Chong Ho Yu. In Online Chinese Christian Resources.
- Craig, W. L. (1994). Creation and big bang
cosmology. Philosophia Naturalis, 31, 217-224.
Trans. by Chong Ho Yu. In Online Chinese Christian Resources.
- Craig, W. L. (1993). The caused beginning of
the universe: A Response to Quentin Smith. British Journal
for the Philosophy of Science, 44, 623-639. Trans. by Chong
Ho Yu. In Online Chinese Christian Resources.
- Solomon, J. (1992). Christianity and culture. Probe
Ministry. [Online available] http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/culture.html
Trans. by Chong Ho Yu. In Online Chinese Christian Resources.[mirror]
- Leslie, J. (1988). The prerequisites of life in
our universe. Truth Journal. Trans. by Chong Ho Yu.
In Online Chinese Christian Resources.
Other Papers